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The Brown Noser

Mom On Tour Really Picking Up Slack For Quiet Son

Published Friday, September 14th, 2018

According to other families on this morning’s campus tour, high school senior James Barrett’s mom was really picking up the slack for her quiet son.

“My son was involved with Habitat for Humanity in high school,” Mrs. Barrett told their tour guide as James drifted quietly to the back of the group. “Are there service opportunities like that here?”

Sources report that Mrs. Barrett worked hard to compensate for her son’s lack of engagement in the tour by politely laughing at all the tour guide’s jokes and asking questions about every campus location they stopped at. Meanwhile, her son watched students pass between classes and silently read the Brown brochure he had picked up at the beginning of the tour.

“Something my son James and I were wondering about on the car ride here,” Mrs. Barrett said to the tour guide, really carrying the team at this point, “Was how often students here get off campus and explore the city?”

When the tour was over, sources report that Mrs. Barrett wanted to stay and talk personally with the tour guide, but her son begged her to stop embarrassing him.

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