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The Brown Noser

Mom’s Text Just Word “Yes” Followed By 3,000 Periods

Published Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Noting that the ellipsis basically goes on forever, area woman Joanne Kroeger received a text from her mom on Thursday that was just the word “yes” followed by 3,000 periods, sources confirmed. “I texted her asking if I could put paper towels in the microwave, and her response included this super long ellipsis for no reason,” Kroeger said, adding that it took her nearly a minute to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the message. “It’s not like she had omitted anything or that there was something to follow. Sort of just suggested a lengthy pause. I mean, she must have actually pressed the period key over a thousand times, suggesting that this was deliberate. Kind of impressive.” At press time, Kroeger had received a text from her father asking her how her day was over and over in all capital letters.

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