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The Brown Noser

Nation’s 6-Year-Olds To Insist On Taking This Rock Home From Vacation

Published Friday, September 27th, 2024

According to a recent survey, the nation’s six-year olds are announcing plans to insist on taking this rock home from vacation.

“This one is a very special rock,” reported Calvin Sotwin, area 6-year old, picking up a rock identical to every other rock on the beach. “I am going to save it forever and make it my special present from vacation. Maybe I will give it to Grandma because Grandma loves the beach.”

“It is very smooth and the color is better than all the other rocks on the beach,” said Sotwin about the stone, which was just gray. “Mommy says that I can’t keep the rock and I can get a gift from the store for Grandma, but this rock is my friend and I will keep it forever.”

“If someone asked me to throw this rock in the ocean, I would say no,” added Sotkin, accidentally dropping the rock and mistakenly picking up a different one, “because this rock is my favorite.”

“I am going to put it on my shelf in my room next to my other rock. They can be rock friends. And my friends can play with them when they come to my house. But I will play with this rock and they can have the other rock. Because this rock is my special rock.”

At press time, the nation’s six-year olds were asking if you could hold onto this cool shell they found for later.

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