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The Brown Noser

Off-Campus House’s Pantry Just Peanut Butter, Quinoa

Published Friday, April 19th, 2019

Scanning the pantry of his off-campus house, senior Kevin Brown noticed that all he had was peanut butter and quinoa.

“I have quinoa for dinner and peanut butter for my breakfast, lunch, and snacks,” explained Brown, adding that he’s always careful to use his peanut butter and quinoa, not his roommates’ peanut butter and quinoa. “I’m running low on both, though, so maybe I’ll make a grocery run sometime next week and get some more.”

“It’s all I need,” Brown continued, “I get my protein from the peanut butter and my fiber from the quinoa. It’s tough having to cook for myself but I think I’ve found a system that works perfectly: only eating peanut butter and quinoa.”

At press time, Brown couldn’t decide what to make.

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