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The Brown Noser

Oh Look, The Computer Science Students Are Whining Again

Published Friday, October 26th, 2018

Hearing loud complaints such as “my code won’t work and there’s literally no reason that it shouldn’t” and “I haven’t seen the sun in three days”, Brown’s entire campus recently became aware that the computer science students were, in fact, whining once again about their chosen concentration. “It’s just that I put in so much time on this project and it’s not even close to being done,” moaned sophomore Riley Williams, who recently made about $30,000 over the summer coding for Google. “Why does computer science have to be so much harder than anything else on this Earth?” In a twist of events that no one saw coming, all the engineering students started arguing with the computer science students, claiming that they actually have way more work to do and “it’s not even close".

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