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The Brown Noser

Ok, So Listen, It’s Gonna Be You, Me, Lisa, Devin, Grace, Mark, and Chris and Then We’ll Each Bring One Other Person, It’ll Be Such a Fun Mix

Published Friday, March 8th, 2019

Ok, so listen, for the thing on Friday night, it’s gonna be you, me, Lisa, Devin, Grace, Mark and Chris and then we’ll each bring one other person. Won’t that be a fun mix?

We’ll need to make a run to the liquor store before then. We’ll just pay for the beer but then everybody will chip in for their own liquor. We’ll get some Svedka for Lisa and Devin, some Captain Morgan for Grace, Mark, and Chris, and then Antonio, Fabio, Tristan, Michael, Carla, Donatella, Macy, Carissa, Franny, and Zoey want to make G&T’s so we’ll need to get the stuff for that.

And for drinking games we could definitely get some stack cup going but if we play pong what would be the teams? We can have like a tournament going. It could be me, you, and Carla, against Donatella, Devin, Grace, and Tristan, and then Mark, Chris, Antonio, Carissa, Rumer, and Aiden against Michael, Macy, Troy, Hannah, Nicole, Donald, and Margaret. Would that be the move?

Also do you think that I should just have the AUX cord all night? Or should we let other people do requests or take turns with the AUX? Honestly there are only a couple people I trust with the AUX. I’d say we can trust Lisa, Devin, Grace, Mark, Chris, Antonio, Fabio and Franny but we absolutely cannot let Tristan, Michael, Carla, Donatella, Macy, Carissa, Zoey, Tobin, Doug, Rumer, Priapia, Kate, Katy, Caden, Aiden, Troy, Hannah, Nicole, Kristen, Frank, Isaac, Zach, Alisa, Alitzia, Lily, Lilly, or Lili play their music. That would not turn out well.

But not Brian. Brian can’t come.

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