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The Brown Noser

Only Three More Months Until Fourth Grader Gets To Quit The Violin Gracefully

Published Friday, March 6th, 2015

Sources are reporting that only three more months remain until fourth grader Becky Schmidt gets to make a graceful exit from playing the violin.

Becky, who took up the instrument at her parents’ suggestion in September, has spent most of her practice time awaiting the moment when she gets to hang up her bow for good without losing too much face.

“I’m four months in, so I should be able to stop in April without my mom thinking I’m a quitter,” Becky said. “Which doesn’t seem too tough to make happen.”

Becky’s sentiment of relief is shared by her parents as well as her violin teacher and the neighbors whose bedroom shares a wall with Becky.

“She’s definitely put in a good try,” said Becky’s mother Katherine Schmidt, “but I guess it wasn’t meant to work out. Pretty soon we’ll all be okay with her just stopping this and moving on with our lives.”

At press time, Becky sighed as she picked up her bow and prepared to play “Hot Cross Buns” for what she calculated to be the first of only 294 more times.

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