Point: If Loving You Baby Is Uncouth, I Don’t Wanna Be Couth, by Ike Chagrin
Alas and alack! You jest well, sugar pie, but know one thing. If loving you baby is uncouth, then I don’t wanna be couth. Just because human resources declare it so, does not setteth in stone! Just because there is a goalkeeper, doth not mean we cannot score!
Just one shot, baby, and I’ll give you the keys to the Cleveland kingdom. Everything the divine light touches, that’s what I offer thee. Your choice: the rules, or a joust on this stallion.
There are oh so many words you have thrown at me, but I have one question in response to this charade. Did it hurt? When thou alighted down from heaven? My sweeting. Hot stuff. Temptress. I entreat thee to flout the regulations.
Already thee fare well, but nowhere will thee fare weller than in my arms.
Counterpoint: Inter-Employee Relations Are Strictly Forbidden At The Cleveland Renaissance Fair, by Bruce Nevins, HR
Ike, look, it says right here: “It is a long-agreed upon norm in the Cleveland Renaissance community that employees not engage in relations. Strict social standards ensure the benevolence of the community, prioritizing community health over the individual personal relationships of the employee. Relations, defined as extra work relationships, will be met with swift and harsh social rejection. There are no exceptions to the rule, and any flagrant transgressions will be remanded with judicious and swift repercussions.” Please stop immediately.