In a sad turn of events out of the Grimley Orphanage For Unattended Children, local plucky orphan Tildy Wiggins would be willing to trade all the pluck in the world for a chance to be with her parents again.
“People keep telling me I have spunk,” Wiggins commented as she traced a well-worn, crinkled photo of her long-passed mother with her finger. “Honestly, I don’t see much difference between me and all the normal little girls. Well, except, you know.”
“I suppose I have a bit of pluck, but I come by it honestly,” she continued, washing a set of impossibly dirty sheets in a bucket of even dirtier water. “I guess it’s nice to get the compliment, but I would much rather be with my parents again.”
“The other girls look up to my thrift, but deep down I don’t want their praise. I just want a family,” Wiggins added, braiding the hair of a similarly plucky, even younger orphan. “I would even consider adoption at this point.”
At press time, a sassy sidekick dog would have traded all the sass in the world to be a human being.