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The Brown Noser

Polite Pedestrian/Car Standoff Enters Third Day

Published Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Brook Street between Thayer and George remained closed today because of what has been termed a "Canadian standoff" between a Brown underclassman and a Providence resident.

"I don't know what this kid's doing, and I don't like it," says Cathy Cullerby, whose car has remained just in front of the crosswalk between the Sciences Library and Barus and Holley for the past 72 hours. "He's got the right of way. He can't just give that up. It's un-American!"

The showdown began three days prior, when Sam Tucker '11, having spent his morning in Barus and Holley, decided to "change it up" by spending his afternoon in the Center for Information Technology. "Don't get me wrong, I love the tiny offices, windowless labs, and nuclear-fallout-shelter-decor of good ol' B&H," says Tucker affectionately, "But I just couldn't resist the awkwardly narrow rows and stifling atmosphere of the SunLab."

However, as he began to step onto the crosswalk, he noticed a silver Prius approaching from the north, arriving at the crosswalk at precisely the same time as himself. Expecting the car to assert its dominance and barrel on through, Tucker took a step back and attempted to make awkward eye contact with the driver.

Cullerby, however, was not going to take that sitting down. She brought the car to a stop, and, feigning annoyance, gestured for him to pass. Tucker was not ready to sacrifice his dignity just yet, though. With an icy stare of perfect accommodation, he extended his had and indicated that she should pass.

"That was just over the line," says Cullerby. "After that, I knew I couldn't give up. It would mean throwing away everything I believe in."

"It rained that first night - that was hard," says Tucker. "I was dripping and shivering and she just sat in her car. But I wasn't going to give in. I'm not a quitter."

"I offered him an umbrella," says Cullerby, "but he said he didn't want to be an inconvenience."

As the days waned on, rival camps of supporters began to assemble beside each, with black-clad Cullerby supporters demonstrating to "preserve the right of way, because freedom isn't free", and maroon-clad Tucker supporters holding signs saying "by consent of the pedestrian."

One pro-Tucker protestor said Cullerby supporters resorted to "dirty tricks," such as offering them donuts. "We got the fuckers back though," she said. "Bought 'em all coffee and said if they didn't take it, it'd get cold."

"I'm staying here as long as it takes," says Cullerby. "We can't just leave our country to these commies."

Tucker expressed similar sentiments. "Some things are bigger than I am. This is one of them."

The Providence Police are monitoring the situation, but although the standoff is causing serious traffic jams, they are far too polite to intervene.

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