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The Brown Noser

Quirky New Restaurant Serves Drinks Out Of Glasses Instead Of Mason Jars

Published Friday, September 25th, 2020

The new “Stop 45 Diner” is changing modern dining by serving drinks out of glasses rather than mason jars, its patrons reported.

“I just couldn’t believe how fun they were able to make the drinks look by putting them in these cylindrical glasses,” said restaurant-goer Melissa Lu, excited by the fresh new spin on the typical jars used for drinks. “Even the straws were unique — no red stripes or loop-de-loops in sight!”

“It’s like, who would have ever thought to use drinking glasses like this?" Lu continued, intrigued by the innovative new strategy. "Sure, they don’t have the same wide-mouths or outer engravings that I’m used to with mason jars, but it gives this place a quirky vibe that you just can’t find at more traditional restaurants.”

Reports indicate the diner is also experimenting with a cutting-edge cash register payment system to replace their current iPads with card swipers attached.

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