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The Brown Noser

Report: It So Hot That The Air Getting Wiggly

Published Friday, April 20th, 2018

As temperatures in the area rise, a report from the National Weather Service warned that it so hot that the air is getting wiggly.

“Temperatures are getting so high that we’re beginning to see wiggles in the air just above the ground,” said meteorologist Wendy Schein. “If you try to look down a street or sidewalk and notice that the air is doing a little dance, that means it is hot and you should be careful to stay cool and hydrated.”

“We’re going to see a lot of wiggles over the next few days," Schein added. “It’s important to remember that temperatures can be excessively hot an hour or so before wiggles appear, and an hour or so after. So stay inside air conditioned buildings except when it’s not necessary.”

The report advised that in the middle of the day the temperature will reach into that zone where the air starts to do a shimmery little dance. It went on to say that the most prominent wiggles will be easily seen above grills being used for cookouts.

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