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The Brown Noser

Report: Blue Room Spoons Deep

Published Friday, December 6th, 2019

Diners at the Blue Room have reported that the available spoons are, in fact, very deep.

“I used a spoon to eat some chicken noodle soup the other night,” reported Jeremey Collins, a disgruntled freshman. “They’re just sooo deep.”

“Usually I can just sort of slurp up the broth without too much effort,” he continued, venting his frustrations with the utensil’s deep cavity. “But I had to literally pour it into my mouth like I was using a ladle.”

“They’re like tiny mouth bowls. I think I need another spoon for the spoon itself.”

At press time, diners were seen attempting to use the deep spoons to ladle parfait into their mouths with immense difficulty.

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