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The Brown Noser

Report: Size Of The Dog In The Fight Is Pretty Relevant To Outcome Of Dog Fight, Actually

Published Friday, May 3rd, 2024

In a scene out of the Nassau County Dog Fighting Convention this past weekend, it was revealed that the size of the dog in the fight had a pretty direct impact on the outcome of a dog fight.

“That whole expression has really overtaken our industry”, veteran dog fighting coach Rusty Daniels told reporters while scraping a toy poodle mix off the wall. “Everyone keeps bringing these tiny little Chihuahuas to the ring, and they just get absolutely decimated every time by a Doberman or a Pit Bull.”

“Sure, attitude makes a difference, I guess, but that only comes into play when the dogs are comparable in size,” Daniels continued, warily eying up an overly optimistic Bichon Frise puppy who was about to get maimed by a 100-pound mutt. “It’s just sad to see tiny dogs getting creamed because their owners think they have ‘fight’ in them. I can tell you first hand, they do not.”

At press time, a bird in the hand was worth way less than two in the bush.

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