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The Brown Noser

Report: Weenie Dog’s Wittle Wegs Move Weally Fast

Published Friday, April 14th, 2023

According to a recent report, that wittle weenie dog’s wegs are moving weally fast.“His wittle body is so long and his wittle wegs are so short,” said witness Alice Spencer, watching the sausage-shaped dog struggle to keep up with his regular-shaped friend walking down Thayer St. “Aw, and his wong body wooks wike it so stwetched out. His wittle sweater only covers half of his body. Oh, no, I don’t know if he can make it up those weally big stairs with his wittle tiny wegs! He’s gonna have to move them extra fast to get his wittle wegs up those big stairs!"At press time, Spencer was admiring a rabbit on the Main Green whose wittle body was weally wound.

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