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The Brown Noser

Second Grader With Really Good Handwriting Achieving God Status Among Peers

Published Friday, September 16th, 2022

Reports from Lincoln Elementary School indicate that Gabbie Ardon, a second grader with really good handwriting, is achieving some sort of god status among her peers.

“Look at that!” exclaimed classmate James Roshman, pointing at the poster Ardon was making for a report on snails. “Gabbie has the BEST handwriting in the class – probably in the whole world, too. It’s amazing! Like, how does someone even do that?”

“Everyone wants to be Gabbie’s friend,” Roshman continued, as Ardon neatly wrote the word “slime” in green crayon. “She makes the best posters, so if you’re in her group for a project you get a really good grade. Maybe one day she’ll let me be her friend and show me how to write a ‘Z’ like that.”

At press time, Ardon’s classmates were gaping in awe when they discovered that she could also draw animals really well.

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