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The Brown Noser

Senior So Ready To Get Away From Suffocating Support Network He’s Spent Four Years Building

Published Friday, April 21st, 2017

Saying that he’s ready to leave behind his time at Brown and move on to something better, senior Joshua Pacey reports that he is very ready to leave behind the support network he’s spent four years carefully building.

“It just feels like I’ve outgrown all the people who have unconditionally loved and supported me during my time here,” said Pacey, ignoring all the mutual effort that was put into building and maintaining their relationships freshman through junior year. “And I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It’s normal to want to move on from people who threw me an awesome surprise 21st birthday and helped me get over my first breakup.”

“Everything just feels so small here and I think that tightness has sometimes been toxic for me,” continued Pacey, saying he was looking forward to a chance to start over. “Everyday I see the same people, the same close knit group of friends who were genuinely thrilled for me when I got the summer internship I wanted and brought food from the Ratty to my dorm whenever I was sick.”

At press time, Pacey decided not to rule out the idea of a visit to campus sometime next year just so he could get a hero’s welcome.

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