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The Brown Noser

Shitty Werewolf Has Pretty Average Libido

Published Monday, October 31st, 2022

Sources report that area werewolf Adolphus Shadow has a pretty average libido.
“Every girlfriend I’ve ever been with expects me to be raring to go every day, but I’m more of a 2-3 times a week kind of guy,” said Shadow, expressing his medium level of interest in ravishing buxom women by the light of the moon. “And hey, sometimes the life of a werewolf gets stressful and there’s a bit of a dry spell.”
“I mean, sure, it’s fun when you first get together with someone and you’re all over each other, but that usually peters out after a bit,” continued Shadow, demonstrating a distinct lack of constant, insatiable hunger for the body of his passionate lover. “For me, the emotional connection is actually much more rewarding than the physical one.”
“At the end of the day, everyone has a different ‘normal amount of sex,’ so there’s no reason to compare,” added Shadow, neglecting to prowl through the streets following the musky scent of his shapely, bodice-clad mistress. “Healthy communication makes all the difference.”

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