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The Brown Noser

Snapchat Plug Trying To Be Motivational On Story

Published Saturday, February 18th, 2023

Area man Craig Anderson reported that his Snapchat plug itsdrew421 has recently been posting motivational content on his story.

“His job is just to sell me weed and occasionally shrooms, but he’s started posting motivational quotes about success and ‘the grind,’” Anderson said as he held up itsdrew421’s current story, which featured multiple videos of plastic bags full of weed. "He’ll put the really important ones over just a black screen. Like here he says ‘if you’re not giving 100% to your passion, then you’re giving 0%’ and then ‘rise and grind in order to be the self that proves everybody wrong.’”

“Sometimes the posts have religious undertones too,” said Anderson as he tapped through a story that was thousands of posts long. “This one says, ‘first you’re down and then you grind get money trust god and then everything will be set 🙏🏻🔥.’ That one’s over a picture of a stack of ten dollar bills."

At press time, a girl from Anderson’s high school shared a post detailing the onboarding process for her pyramid scheme.

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