Well, we’re now deep into the 2020 Democratic Primary. Millions of Americans are duking it out in primaries, caucuses, and on Twitter to decide who they’ll send onto the campaign trail to finally beat Trump. But one thing I’m sure no one expected was what just happened — and since it’s March right now as I write this, I know exactly what that was and I have a lot to say about it.
Because at this very moment it’s March, I’ve been closely tracking the primary since it explosively started in Iowa — and to me, Iowa has certainly set the stage for the rest of the things that have happened this past month that I know about. I can’t believe that after the Iowa Democratic Party finally recounted the caucus, that candidate won Iowa! I also can’t believe that that candidate, or possibly another one, won New Hampshire right after! I’ve been mulling those two events — both of which I know the outcomes of — for several weeks, because it’s March right now.
The things I know about that happened in February have certainly set the stage for the things that have already happened so far in March, the month in which I’m writing this. For example, the Nevada Caucus and South Carolina Primary? Those have happened, and wow, did the candidates certainly put on an interesting performance! But in the time that’s passed since both of those happened (because it’s March while I’m writing this), I’ve also been thinking about what might’ve happened if that one candidate hadn’t dropped out earlier, or the other one.
But most importantly, earlier this week we saw what happened with Super Tuesday. Pretty crazy that so many states voted at the same time, and I personally saw all of the results of those primaries — and I’ve gotta say that they totally change the game. Yup, one thing’s for certain: it’s March right now as I write this, so I really am factoring Super Tuesday into my thinking and predictions. And I really think the frontrunner — which, just to be clear, I know who that is — might have a real shot at beating Trump.
It’s undeniable that politics has gotten pretty intense this year, and what’s a better illustration of that than the events of the past month, which I could definitely describe in detail because it’s March right now while I’m writing this? Yup, one thing’s for sure: just about eight months from when I’m writing this, and not a longer period of time, we’ll know how the dust settles, and I’ll be there with a fresh opinion column that, like this one, is fully up to date.