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The Brown Noser

Student Hopes Small Talk With Professor Will Count For Something In Final Grade

Published Friday, December 7th, 2018

Freshman Erik Obrador hopes that small talk with his Econ professor will count for something in his final grade, sources report.

“I went to his office hours sometimes and we had some good casual conversations unrelated to the class,” explained Obrador, who never contributed in section and always turned in assignments a day late. “I feel like my grade should reflect that.”

“We even had a brief exchange about our favorite lunch spots,” continued Obrador, who barely passed the midterm and started studying for the final the night before. “And after I turned the final in, I asked the professor if he had any plans for the holidays. Nailed it.”

At press time, Obrador was emailing his professor a link to a random sports article in a last ditch effort to pass the class.

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