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The Brown Noser

Student Underlines Last Line of Novel Because That Probably Important

Published Friday, October 25th, 2019

Confidently uncapping his pen, sophomore Vincent Tomasi underlined the last line of the novel he was reading for his English seminar because that’s probably important. “It was a short line, but I figured it must be pretty critical, being the last line,” Tomasi said, drawing a little star next to the presumably significant final sentence. “There were a lot of lines in the book that seemed important, especially the first one, but I’m guessing the last line is the most important. The last paragraph in general stood out to me as probably being essential to the story, so I put some brackets around it. But if I have to say something in class, I can definitely say the last line really struck me.” At press time, Tomasi drew a thick circle around the novel’s last word.

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