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The Brown Noser

Student Who “Read An Article On This” Actually Watched TikTok

Published Monday, October 31st, 2022

Despite claiming to have read an article on this, Rodney Wilson has actually just watched a TikTok video.
“Here are the top five things I would never try to sneak into Disneyland,” start- ed Wilson to his friends, “according to the New York Times...”
“You guys won’t believe these secrets to a flat tummy and a fat dumpy that the Wall Street Journal just published,” he exclaimed to side eyes from his clique, all of whom have become aware of Wilson’s miscrediting “from a registered dietician.”
“I’m writing a research paper, and the essay topic is cognitive development from birth to age five,” he explained, “I don’t see how ‘8 Things Bill Gates Did As A Baby’ is irrelevant information, especially when it comes from The Post.”
At press time, another student who “loved that book” had actually just seen the movie.

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