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The Brown Noser

Student Writer on The Odyssey Online Making Some Compelling Points

Published Friday, March 17th, 2017

Clocking in 500 words of pure mastery in argumentative writing, student writer for the Odyssey Online, Hailee Simmons, is really making some compelling points.

“I wanted to create an airtight case, so I dug into my research this time” says Simmons, a sophomore studying sociology who was seen skimming a Wikipedia page moments before writing the article.

The article delves into the intricacies of a seemingly irrelevant and trivial topic, while being handled with the urgency of a federal news brief. The article’s thesis is supplemented by irrefutable sources including the author’s personal experience and an article read off of a Facebook headline.

“When I first read the headline I thought one thing, but then when I finished reading the article I thought the same thing, but with more confidence knowing that it was validated by Hailee,” reported Tammy Belcher, a daily visitor of the online publication.

At press time, when asked how she stays motivated, Hailee named her fellow colleagues as sources of inspiration.

“They always support me, by assuring me that all my writing looks great and that nothing else needs to be added, revised, or fleshed out,” she added.

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