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The Brown Noser

TA Has Answer Key That They Can Show You Like Really Quickly If You Don’t Tell Anyone

Published Friday, May 12th, 2023

In good news for students struggling with their problem sets, ENGN 40 TA Andrea Bradley has an answer key that she can show you super fast as long as you don’t tell anyone about it. “I’m really really not supposed to show you the answers, but I can see y’all are struggling, so I’ll let you have a quick glance,” said Bradley, opening the PDF with the solutions for exactly two seconds before slamming her laptop shut. “But you didn’t get this from me. I hope the answer key helps you out on your pset, but you guys need to understand how generous I’m being, because I could get in so much trouble for this.” Elsewhere on campus, the Jo’s cashier can give you an extra Vitamin Water with your meal swipe as long as you don’t say anything about it.

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