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The Brown Noser

TV Show Apparently Takes Place In Post-Apocalyptic New York City Rebuilt To Look Exactly Like Vancouver

Published Friday, September 5th, 2014

According to reports from television watchers across the nation, the new CBS program “New York Diaries” apparently takes place in a post-apocalyptic New York City rebuilt to look exactly like Vancouver.

“I had no idea how high premise this show is,” viewer Peter Blankenship said about the program, which evidently features a New York after the Empire State Building, Freedom Tower and Statue of Liberty had all been destroyed in some nuclear holocaust and replaced with buildings resembling those in the Canadian seaport city of Vancouver. “I google imaged the Vancouver skyline and this new New York looks exactly like it. Incredible.”

“The theme song even features tracking shots of the old New York City,” Blankenship added. “A reference to what once was. Very profound.”

The show, which depicts a New York whose predominantly numbered streets have been replaced with named streets, concerns a group of romantically challenged police officers in the Big Apple. Reports indicate that the show never once acknowledges that it takes place in a future where the entire city of New York has been leveled and replaced with a veritable simulacrum of Vancouver.

“It’s amazing to me that a show this popular can just flat-out ignore its premise,” said another viewer, Mark Wishbone, adding that what has been referred to as the East River in the show in fact exactly resembles the British Columbian Strait of Georgia. “They’re even accounting for increased water levels as a result global warming.”

“This is the most subtle show I’ve ever seen,” he added.

At press time, a group viewing the 1950 film “Sunset Boulevard” was apparently stunned to find out that the film takes place in a 1940s Hollywood totally destroyed and replaced with a sound-stage that looks exactly like 1940s Hollywood.

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