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The Brown Noser

Terrifying Bathroom Switch Turns On Fan Too

Published Friday, April 24th, 2020

According to distressed guests visiting the Ferenzi family’s home, a terrifying bathroom light switch turns on the fan too. The switch, located in the downstairs bathroom, was terrorizing all unsuspecting visitors unlucky enough to find themselves in its blustery clutches.

“I was fumbling for the light switch, when boom, the bathroom fan abruptly roared to life,” explained Leonard Glayzer, who recounted being petrified by the jarring whirlwind and fluorescent light. “The jolt and ensuing noise were absolutely overwhelming, and it took me a moment to collect myself enough to get on with business.”

Glayzer noted that the harrowing experience only ended as he was leaving the restroom. “When I finally got to switch it off, it was a complete relief,” he explained, cheeks still flushed. “The mayhem immediately gave way to dimly-lit, eerie silence.”

Reports indicate that the frightening switch still lies waiting for other poor souls, always ready to unleash its tempest.

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