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The Brown Noser

This Day In History: September 15th

Published Friday, September 15th, 2017

520,000,000 BCE: The eye was proving to be a pretty sick adaptation

450: Atilla the Hun killed everyone in Europe

700 The Vikings pillaged Scandinavia for its valuable snow

1222: The plague killed everyone in Europe

1791: Mozart wrote his last opera but it was total shit

1903: The Wright Brothers conquered their fear of heights

1918: The Influenza Pandemic killed everyone in Europe

1922– Music wasn’t boring anymore.

1920: Prohibition passed in the United States, marking the last day anyone ever consumed alcohol

1955: Computer Scientists discovered the first computer virus after torrenting Casablanca on the IBM 752 giant computer

1968: NASA began constructing the set for the Moon Landing, rehearsals begin

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