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The Brown Noser

This Song Totally Girl’s Song

Published Monday, March 11th, 2013

This song playing at the party right now is utterly and completely Melanie Hatfield’s song, the third-year Biology concentrator and Women’s Peer Counselor confirmed, as she squealed with delight and spilled her drink on several strangers within arm’s reach.

Hatfield, who knows all of the words to the song—especially those in the chorus—first realized this song was totally her song when she heard it driving around with her friends as a senior in high school. The song conjures up so many good memories for Hatfield that there is no doubt it holds a special place in her heart, and is a perfectly reasonable excuse for dropping everything regardless of time or place.

Several lines speak to her and her life experiences, so much so that she feels a true ownership of this song. Several other partygoers also felt that the song was totally their song, each more so than the last.

Hatfield seriously cannot imagine ever being sick of this song, and genuinely believes that anybody who does not like this song is honestly like not even a real person.

The next song on shuffle was also absolutely her song as well.

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