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The Brown Noser

Today@Brown Just a List of Rooms With Free Kabob and Curry

Published Friday, September 15th, 2017

In an announcement detailing how the new service would improve Morning Mail, Dean of the College Maud Mandel explained that Today@Brown will just be a list of rooms offering free Kabob and Curry. “Morning Mail made it difficult to find the free Kabob and Curry due to the high volume of other information," said Dean Mandel, explaining that the new service would align with the best practices in higher education by changing that. "Today@Brown will save everyone time by listing exactly which club meeting or guest lecture will have chicken tikka masala and garlic naans. They won't even have to press "Control-F" and search "Kabob." Plus, these announcements are impossible to miss because everything is written in all-caps." At press time, the Ratty was empty.

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