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The Brown Noser

Trader Joe’s Trying To Convince You That Pumpkin Spice Calamari A Thing

Published Monday, October 31st, 2022

Sources report from the frozen aisle that Trader Joe’s is trying to convince you that pumpkin spice calamari is a thing.
“Mmm...bite into an autumnal taste of the seashore!” read the Trader Joe’s pack- aging, asserting that pumpkin spice cala- mari was a perfectly normal food item to consume. “Cozy up to the fireplace with a warm mug of cider and a steaming plate of spiced squid.”
“It’s like a slice of pumpkin pie and a greasy clam shack had a baby!” continued the packaging, somehow maintaining that this combination was appealing in any way. “Move over, lattes...a new pumpkin spice favorite is in town.”
At press time, a Trader Joe’s employee was suggesting that you pair the calamari with their new cookie-butter infused tartarsauce.

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