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The Brown Noser

Visiting Scholar Clearly Hasn’t Written Book She Presenting On

Published Friday, December 1st, 2017

Multiple sources from Tuesday afternoon’s Watson Institute lecture by Susannah Katz indicated that the international legal scholar clearly had not written the book she’d been invited to present, and was unprepared to participate in discussion.

“She was totally winging it,” said David Gold ’19, who attended the talk for a class, adding that when one one of his classmates asked Katz about the highly specific conditions for ideal global governance outlined in the book she “clearly just rephrased the question with more complicated words and fielded more questions.

“People think they can get away with this kind of thing, but professors have a pretty clear sense when someone hasn’t spent the necessary time with the material,” said Patricia DeMarco, a professor of political science. Adding that the Stanford Law graduate appeared to have been “flying by the seat of her pants.”

Witnesses added that Katz concluded the lecture by announcing her intent to jump off what the moderator had said.

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