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The Brown Noser

We Could’ve Totally Made That Tik Tok, Friend Group Reports

Published Friday, September 17th, 2021

Reminiscing on the viral video shared in their group chat recently, a local friend group unanimously agreed they could totally have made that TikTok.

“I swear we made this joke like two weeks ago,” said one group member, befuddled at how TikTok sensations — whose only job is to produce content with the aid of professional lighting and conventional good looks — beat his friend group to the punch. “If only we had the foresight to record it and put it on TikTok. Damn.”

Upon reflection, the friend group noted that while their joke contained a series of obscure references and inside jokes relevant only to their inner circle, a few tweaks to the core premise of the bit could probably have made them stars.

“We may not all be able to dance and act, or be up-to-date on the entertainment preferences of sixteen-year-olds, or even know how to operate that creepy text to speech voice, but what we lack in knowledge we make up for with confidence in our collective ability,” added another group member, dramatically opening the TikTok app he now believed would be his key to a stint on SNL. “I’ve convinced my friends to start recording anything we do that might be remotely entertaining so we can get in on that fame, and I’m thinking we could have a solid cult following by the end of the month.”

At press time, the friend group was reportedly creating a Twitter account to share their witticisms with a more mature audience.

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