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The Brown Noser

Weird Fifth-Grader Dressed Up As Something Actually Scary For Halloween

Published Friday, November 3rd, 2017

According to sources at Middletown Elementary school, weird fifth grader Shane Tepper dressed up as something actually scary for Halloween.

Mark’s teacher Susan Stanton reported that while everyone else was dressed as generic sports players or their favorite Pixar characters, Shane wore a “Scream” mask and cloak and caked his hands in fake blood.

“His costume just has a totally different tone than everyone else’s,” Stanton said, “What’s his endgame? To scare us? Kids shouldn’t want to scare other kids. They should just want to get candy. I should’ve known though. Shane’s kind of weird to begin with. If any of these kids were gonna like Halloween because it’s scary, it would be him.”

“I think it’s the fake blood that I think really sets it apart,” she continued. “It make the costume all out creepy. And his mom packed him more fake blood so he can reapply. It’s gonna be a long day.”

Sources report that, at lunch time, the little weirdo was committing to his part by standing in the corner and staring menacingly at other students.

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