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The Brown Noser

We’ve Crafted Our Fully Formed Apology, And It Comes In The Form Of A Soooooooooong

Published Friday, October 29th, 2021

We, the Jabberwocks, would like to offer our fully formed apology to the Brown community for recent events. In true Jabberwock form, our apology comes in the form of a sooooooooooong!

It’s true, we wrote cards
Some nasty notecards
One thing’s for sure, it wasn’t right
(Shoo bop ba doo doo)
Alto to bassist
Boy, we were racist
And now we’re do-re-mi-fa-soooooooo contrite

We know it’s not a situation we can fix well
But listen to our golden-voiced ensemble mix well:

We’re well and truly sorry!
The Jabberwocks are sorry!
The story dropped, and we’ve been chopped and diced like calamari
For every single fella
Who came to a cappella
We wrote a ton of insults, they could fill a small novella

We know that our response has been a bit legato
But here we are, with grief and guilt and great vibrato

We’re really, really sorry
The Jabberwocks are sorry!
So don’t make us the quarry in your canceling safari!
Our meaner former members
Are gone like dying embers
They might have said some awful stuff, but frankly, who remembers?

So could we please turn back the clock?
Not only can we talk the talk
But soon you’ll see,
We guarantee,
That we can walk the…

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