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The Brown Noser

Woman Keeps Forgetting To Laugh During Ironic Viewing Of Bad Movie

Published Friday, December 5th, 2014

At an screening of “The Happening” in a friend’s Keeney Quadrangle room, Casey Murphy ’18 has been forgetting to ironically laugh at how bad the movie is.

During the film’s humorously terrible scenes and poorly executed horror cinematography, Murphy forgot to laugh at the appropriate times. Murphy failed to respond with a comment about the terrible acting in a particular scene when her friends began riffing on it.

“I’ve seen the movie before, and it’s just as bad the second time. The whole plague thing is completely ludicrous. Mark Wahlberg’s character is so contrived. It’s totally amazing,” said Murphy’s friend Kane Crosdale ‘18, just as Murphy was starting to actually get into the movie’s storyline.

“Wow, who in their right mind decided to produce this movie?” said Martha Smith ’18, looking over at Murphy to make sure she was enjoying how bad the movie was. “This scene is so dumb,” she remarked as everybody laughed except for Murphy, who forced out a giggle at the last second.

During a scene that, according to screening attendees, was so absurd that M. Night Shyamalan must have written the scene ironically, Murphy completely forgot to laugh, even when Wahlberg made a completely stupid face.

As of press time, Murphy and friends struggled to hold in their laughter as Wahlberg’s character made a surprisingly witty remark.

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