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The Brown Noser

You Have To Kiss A Few Frogs To Find Your Prince! by Your Aunt, Who Clearly Has No Idea That None Of The Frogs Here Want To Be Exclusive And Are Probably Kissing Ten Other Princesses

Published Friday, September 27th, 2024

Honey, I know you probably aren’t even thinking about this yet, but I want to let you know that you have to kiss a few frogs to find your Prince Charming! I know, I know, you think Aunt Margaret and Uncle Todd have been married forever, but let me tell you, it wasn’t always like this! I met a few other boys in my day. You could say I got taken to a few drive-in movies! Of course, nothing ever happened with them, since we weren’t married.

All I’m saying, sweetie, is that you just have to be willing to throw yourself into situations and see where they take you! Instead of having your nose in your phone all day, give these poor boys a chance; I am sure every one of them has good intentions. Such smart boys you must meet at Brown! I bet they are sweet too, all you have to do is get some ice cream with them and make sure to say thank you when they pay for it! Boys love a girl with good manners, you’ll be the apple of his eye in no time at all. That’s how it went for me and your Uncle Todd! After four dates, we were engaged. You just have to show these young men what a sweet and lovely young woman you are, and they’ll be tripping over themselves to ask you to go steady.

All I am saying is that the first boy who takes you on a date might not be the one, but you should give him a chance anyway. Any boy who is brave enough to ask you on a date is probably a very nice young man. I am sure that you have plenty of guys begging you to go steady, but if you ask me, there’s nothing wrong with playing the field a little! Sure, you might kiss a few frogs here and there, but remember, love comes when you least expect it!

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