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The Brown Noser

Young Person Feels Old, Nostalgic Upon Seeing Slightly Younger Person

Published Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Young person Kyle McKinney ’15 reported feelings of wistfulness and nostalgia upon seeing Evan Grady ’18, a marginally younger person.

“This kid’s got so much ahead of him,” said McKinney, who also has boatloads of time and opportunity in his own future. “It’s pretty hard to believe that was me once.”

“He’s three years younger than me,” McKinney continued, referring to a length of time roughly equivalent to 3.8% of his own projected lifespan. “Three years! That’s crazy.”

Realizing that Grady was a member of the class of 2018, McKinney quickly calculated that he would be 25 years old when Grady graduates, an age which, for all intents and purposes, is really not that old at all.

“Jeez, I’m such an old fogey!” said McKinney, in an objectively untrue statement.

McKinney went on to fondly reminisce about experiences had since he was Grady’s age, nearly all of which involved sitting in his dorm room and watching television. “I’ve come so far,” he said. “I’ve learned so much.”

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