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The Brown Noser

Colors in CIT Projector "Desaturated"

Published Friday, November 30th, 2007

Facilities management has been looking into replacement parts for a projector in the Motorola room at the CIT after two students described the color of projected lecture slides as "sort of dull."

This problem comes up every few years as projector bulbs wear out. Head of facilities Mark Andrews described the issue:

"It seems like this projector's bulb is just too old. I think we'll probably order a new one, or replace the projector, or something. Sometimes things get old and then they have to be replaced to keep them working the way they worked when we first
got them."

Andrews speculated that this problem might affect other projectors at some point, too. However, he remains optimistic. When asked if he thought this problem would affect lectures in Motorola in the future, Andrews replied, "probably not."

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