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The Brown Noser

Marc Summers Jailed

Published Friday, November 30th, 2007

This is the second blemish on Summers's record, but his first nasal-related arrest. He was imprisoned in 2002 after bitch-slapping a cop "on a dare." When pressed about his time in prison so far, Summers described it as "a physical challenge." He added, "Wait. what?"

In a turn of events that has no one surprised, ex-Double Dare host Marc Summers was incarcerated last Friday after reaching wildly into a stranger's nose in an attempt to remove "an illusive little red flag."
Summers, who has fought a long and publicized battle with obsessive-compulsive disorder, had this to say about the incident:

"It's plagued me since the eighties. If it's not ripping flags from any given nostril, it's trying to fill my orange juice glass past the red line or fantasizing over enormous sundaes at the end of playground twirly slides. It's an unseen force, a silent clock, I don't know.. I just have this sense that if I don't hurry up, I'm going to miss out on something. Something like British Knights. or an all-inclusive five-day, four-
night trip to sunny Club Med."

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