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The Brown Noser

We Came Here to Make Friends and Have Fun

Published Friday, October 29th, 2010

Here we go, guys and girls. Bring it in, let's go, hustle up! Alright, team, this is it - last game of the season. We've come a long way and had our fair share of ups and downs, but all that is behind us right now. All that matters now is this game of intramural softball, right here, right now. This is our big chance, and at the end of the day we're all here for one thing and one thing only: to make friends and have fun.

From start to finish we go 110 percent, smiling, laughing, making small talk - leave it all on the field. If we work as a team, I have no doubt we can do this, but that means we ALL work together. That means no bottom of the 8th triples, no diving for foul balls, and absolutely no competitive spirit. Just think of how many potential friends we alienated last week with Jill's amazing double play; we can't afford another error like that. Not today.

Lets talk strategy. Allen, I want you behind the plate, keeping up some friendly chatter with the batters and making sure to console them if they strike out. Alice, your arm still sore? Good. You pitch; no reason for us to be throwing fastballs anyhow. The rest of us will just mix things up. Try a position you've never played before, and don't forget to keep it casual. Remember: there's no "friend" in "competition."

One last thing before we go out there. I want you all to take a good long look at the other team. Those aren't your opponents over there; they're your potential friends and acquaintances. Perhaps a future romantic interest is sitting in that dugout. But the only way we're ever gonna meet them is if we stay focused and communicate. We're going to go out and keep the pressure on. If we never stop smiling, never stop enjoying the weather, and give it our all, they're not gonna stand a goddamn chance! Think about it, people: two hours from now we'll be casually socializing over Bud Lights and nachos, and they won't even know what hit 'em. Lets do this, team, and remember: It's not just a game, it's your social future.

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