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The Brown Noser

Writing Tennis Puns Sure is a Racquet!!!

Published Friday, April 24th, 2009

But seriously, writing these puns isn't always as easy as it may seem. You can't just waltz in here and make up some smut about "hitting balls" (save that for the boys over in the Golf Department). No, tennis related puns require a certain delicacy and sophistication. Of course, they should also be "matched" with just a tad of "backhanded" humor. It may take a little time to get into the "swing" of things, but sooner or later you'll find your "stroke."

In the past few months I've heard a lot of people worrying about their future careers. Given the current state of the job market, I would be worrying too-that is if I hadn't already found the best job ever. Do you want a job that's not only fulfilling but lucrative too? Well, then try your hand at writing tennis related puns (trust me you'll "love" it!)
Unlike other jobs, this one is never boring. Every morning I wake up excited to go to work and "serve up" a new batch of tennis-related ticklers. As a previous tennis player myself, I am well acquainted with the lingo so the puns come naturally to me. I guess you could say its "right up my alley"! Ha Ha! See what I mean? They practically write themselves!

I know that recently everyone has been raising "a racket" about this economy, so let's talk salary. Let's just say the tennis related pun business gives you ample opportunities to "score" big. However, if you plan to open your own business I should warn you the "overhead" can be quite devastating! Sorry! Couldn't resist! Yet, in the end, if all you really care about is the money, then you're really "missing the point." Writing tennis related puns is about so much more than cash. It's a career that pays not only in dollars, but also in personal fulfillment-now that's what I call a "net profit!"

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