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The Brown Noser

Area Mom Typing At Computer Keyboard Like She Attacking It

Published Friday, September 25th, 2020

Sources have reported that area mom Grian Roser is typing on her computer’s keyboard as if she’s attacking it.

“At first I thought she was angry about something” reported Arlene Roser, Grian’s daughter, as her mother viciously jabbed into the keys to spell the word “sincerely” in a happy birthday email to her sister. “But gradually, I realized that is just the way she types normally.”

“She was really going at it,” Arlene continued, attempting to talk over loud keyboard strokes that sounded like blows to a hated nemesis. “I just wonder if she realizes that she doesn’t need to type like that. Does she know it looks like she’s having a physical conflict with the keyboard?”

At press time, Roser was yelling into her laptop’s microphone during a Zoom call like she was angry with it.

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