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The Brown Noser

Assyriology Concentrators Disillusioned After Learning Of Fall Of Assyria In 612 BC

Published Friday, October 29th, 2021

Sources report that concentrators in the Assyriology Department were recently disillusioned after hearing that the Kingdom of Assyria fell in 612 BC.

“It made me rethink my whole career path,” said David Gale, a senior and Assyriology concentrator. “Like, I was planning to visit Assyria after graduation, but now it looks like that’s not going to happen because it doesn’t exist. The whole thing really makes me question whether we should have a DUG open house or not.”

Gale and his fellow concentrators were still reeling from the news, which was first reported in a 14th-century archeological survey.

“Everyone over in Egyptology is laughing at us. Like, OK, great, your country still exists,” said Gale, frantically texting his friends and family the bad news. “Whatever. I don’t regret anything. I met some really cool professors in the department, and I’ve got this awesome summer internship set up with the Assyrian Embassy. Oh. Wait. Shoot, yeah, that might be a scam.”

At press time, Modern Culture and Media concentrators were horrified to discover that Modern Culture and Media is not a tangible concept.

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