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The Brown Noser

Classmate Clearly Went On Some Kind Of Harrowing Adventure During 10-Minute Seminar Break

Published Friday, October 29th, 2021

According to fellow classmates, junior Nick Forticinni clearly went on some kind of harrowing adventure during this past Wednesday’s 10-minute seminar break.

“When he came back to class he was sweating profusely,” commented sophomore Anya Thomlinson, openly baffled by Forticinni’s disheveled state, “He was mopping his brow and breathing so hard I thought about offering him my inhaler.”

During breaks, most of the class’ students prefer to stop by the bathroom, grab a quick drink of water, or look over their notes. However, Forticinni clearly had grander ambitions.

“I could be wrong, but I’m also pretty sure his face wasn’t freshly-shaven before the break,“ Thomlinson continued, watching as Forticinni sipped on an iced coffee and unwrapped a thick Blue Room sandwich. "Clearly, he got a lot done from 4-4:10 PM. All I did was ask the professor a quick question and refill my mechanical pencil.”

At press time, Forticinni was making plans to play a quick round with the Faunce pool boys during the next break.

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