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The Brown Noser

Couple Breaking Up In Ratty Keep Getting Enthusiastic Waves From Friends Walking By

Published Friday, April 29th, 2016

Wednesday evening, Allison Taylor ‘18 and Miles Greenberg ‘19 listed various interruptions in their attempt to put a civil end to their relationship in the Sharpe Refectory, as several passersby they were various levels of acquainted with forced them to acknowledge the presence of other people nearby.

“Listen, I’ve been meaning to say this for a while,” sources describe Taylor as saying, before reciprocating a curt nod and quick tilt of the hand to Rich Laymore ‘17, a classmate from her economics section. “I don’t know if we’re right for each other.”

“I’m not sure I understand what you mean,” Greenberg was heard to respond, reportedly understanding completely, before a friend of his from high school walked past and threw him a double peace sign eliciting a broad feigned smile from the freshman.

“Hey, guys!” The soon-to-be-ex couple reported hearing from Greenberg’s roommate Chris Peters ‘19. Peters was seen approaching the table of the soon-to-be-ex couple with a clipboard and pen. “I’m running for UCS, do you think you can sign for me?” “Yeah, of course,” Taylor and Greenberg reportedly responded in perfect synchrony, a sharp echo of the connection they were in the process of dissolving permanently.

“Thanks so much!” Peters added after receiving the pen back from Taylor. “You guys are adorable.”

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