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The Brown Noser

Friend to Debut Scandalous new Magnet Poem on Fridge

Published Friday, February 4th, 2022

After a recent spark of pure creativity, friend and off-campus renter Caroline Raleigh was eager to display her risqué magnet poem on the kitchen fridge.

“I couldn’t help but pair the words ’engorged’ and ‘fruit,’" reflected Caroline, reveling in her own whimsy. “I just think it’s so fun to add a little bit of my personality to the refrigerator. I hope my friends aren’t too scandalized by my work!”

“I’m certainly a passionate person, and I think that’s clear in my magnet poetry,” continued Caroline, double-checking to make sure her poem only had lowercase letters. “I just need to find a word that rhymes with smutty…”

At press time, Caroline was excited to show off her new mug molded in the shape of the female form.

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