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The Brown Noser

Student Already Complaining about Spring Weekend Lineup

Published Friday, November 4th, 2011

Several students on Brown’s campus have reported that among the throngs of classmates discussing homework, lovers’ trysts and general shenanigans, one student has already begun to make his opinion of this school year’s Spring Weekend lineup clear.

“It’s like, I feel like they don’t even pay attention to what the student body is interested in,” Ross Wahlrick ’13 was heard saying on a chilly afternoon in mid-October, a full five months before the lineup is expected to be announced.

Witnesses attest that Wahlrick is always quick to list a half-dozen musical acts he feels should have been chosen to perform at Brown’s biggest musical event of the year — the lineup of which is still in consideration by the Brown Concert Agency.

“And the weather is supposed to be terrible. I just don’t know what they were thinking.”

At press time, Wahlrick had somehow already purchased a Spring Weekend ticket six months before they become available online.

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