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The Brown Noser

That Bitch Would Take Park Place by Emily, 8-year-old Monopoly Player

Published Friday, December 16th, 2022

I seriously can’t believe that bitch had the audacity to take Park Place. Park Place for crying out loud! Everyone knows it is my property. Kaitlyn could have taken St. James Place or Ventnor Avenue – even North Carolina Avenue would have been okay. But no, she decided to waltz into my house, play on my monopoly board, and proceed to take my property? That’s just classic Kaitlyn, isn’t it? She always has been a manipulative, two-faced backstabber, so she totally wouldn’t hesitate to steal Park Place the first chance she gets. It reminds me of when she talked to my crush last year in Ms. White’s class – such a Kaitlyn thing to do. Clearly, some people never change. Consider this war Kaitlyn, consider this war.

Now let me just tell you this Kaitlyn – you’d be lucky to be invited back over for another playdate anytime soon. Because the second this game ends, I’m telling my mom, and I just know she is going to tell your mom. I hope you get grounded, or even worse, your iPad gets taken away. That will show you. That you will show you damn well to never cross me again. And Kaitlyn, if you even think of putting a hotel on Park Place, and god forbid I land on it, I swear our friendship is over – over for good. No sleepovers, no playdates, and no more playing Roblox together. You’ll mean nothing to me – N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

Watch your back, Kaitlyn. Like Monopoly, revenge is a dirty game.

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