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The Brown Noser

Airport Employee Spends Day Fantasizing About Hopping on Luggage Carousel

Published Friday, March 8th, 2019

Airport employee Sarah Mendel reports that she spends her whole day fantasizing about hopping on the luggage carousel.

“I know it’s crazy but I just can’t stop thinking about it,” a wistful Mendel explained. “It’s just always there, humming away behind me. I see bag after bag travel by, and I’ll just think, that could be me.”

Mendel beamed as she excitedly walked through the possibilities.

“Would I just jump onto it? Or put on a bag tag first? Would I lay on my back, or would my stomach be better? There are just so many options, and I feel like I only get one shot.”

“Would it take me to another part of the airport?" Mendel continued, lost in her daily reverie. "Or would I end up on a plane bound for another country?”

At press time, Mendel’s eyes darted around for her supervisor as she readied herself for her moment.

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